Wednesday, February 13, 2013

So, What's It All About?

Are you tired of going through the motions in your spiritual life and in your church? Does everything seem a little too routine? Have you tried to make a difference in your church, but been shot down because it challenges the status quo? If any of these questions resonate with you, then you are where I am. I want to make a difference and impact lives. I have a “whatever it takes” attitude; whatever it takes to reach people with the gospel of Christ.  I, in no way, will compromise anything that the Bible says. I believe that the Bible is true and accurate in everyway. I am not one of these people who try to make the Bible say what they want it to say by adding to it or leaving something out of it. I am simply tired of lip-service and I know that God is too. I do not claim to “know it all” and I am a sinner who God graciously loved to repentance. I do have a burning passion for the church to be meaningful and effective again. I have a passion to see true repentance and an awaking of those who have nodded off into apathy.  I have heard people speak and give testimony about what God is doing in a ministry or what we (as a church) need to be doing and I see a lot of head nodding in agreement or “amen” being said, but then try and get people to actually do what God has called us to do and the result is much different. We agree with what we ought to be doing, but not with actually doing it. I get it. Time is important to us. It is important to me. However, our time on earth is limited as is our time to impact people’s lives. That is why I am writing this blog: to make a difference and to challenge the status quo. Too many people are just “doing” church. It has to be about more than just going through the motions. A dear friend helped me come up with a name for this blog. The word propulsion is “the act of driving something forward.” My hope is that likeminded people can drive a passion for Jesus back into the church. When I read in the book of Acts and see how the church should look and then look at the American church, very few churches look like that. My goal is not to criticize, but to speak truth and life that motivates the true believers of Jesus Christ.  We have gotten into this mode that if you don’t have a certain number of services a week, a certain style of music, or a certain format in the service that God won’t be pleased and will send us all to hell, I guess. I know that is dramatic, but that is how people in the church act. If you don’t believe me, try and change a service style, time, etc. and see what happens.  I am for organization. We serve a God of order, but we have organized God right out of the equation in our services in many cases. It is about worship, true worship. If you show up at your church without a heart of true worship, hear God’s Word, and leave unchanged, then you’re wasting your time. God’s Word challenges us to be different than the things we see in the world. It makes us uncomfortable and it should do that. My hope and my prayer is that this blog challenges, makes us uncomfortable, and brings us to a closer relationship with Christ.


Finger on the pulse. . . . . . .


Todd Johnson

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Blog and a great truth has been exposed. No more Mr. Status Quo guy!! It's battle time!!!
